Video Professor Learning Disks

Video Professor learning disks are designed to help a person learn different programs such as the most popular Microsoft® titles and many more products. The lessons are available on CDs and there are usually three to go with each product. Now, if it is a complex subject like Excel® or Adobe® Photoshop®, there are usually two separate sets of Video Professor learning disks: one for the absolute beginner and one for teaching you the advanced tricks.

But you don’t have to get the CDs unless you want have the actual product in your possession. Video Professor is also offering the same products streaming online. Which one you go with is entirely up to you, and it will be entirely up to what you feel comfortable with. If you are an old-fashioned person, you may want to have the actual CDs. The physical product may also be good idea, if you have the slower dial-up connection (and if so, would you please get with the program???). If you have broad-band, then the streaming version may be your best bet.

Video Professor learning disks go beyond teaching you about how to use the most popular software products. If you want to learn how to buy and sell on eBay, you can do that too. (Check out my post about the eBay product here: Video Professor eBay) Some of the other Video Professor products that do not deal with software are Learn the Internet, Online Investing and Protect Yourself Online.

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